Natural Law & Critical Thinking

FREE Live Webinar on Natural Law & Critical Thinking!

Wednesday, 24. January 2024

Time: 19:00-20:30 CET (1.5 hours)

Zoom meeting ID: 867 5501 4475

Passcode: 112233

The future is created now, and what goes around, comes around!

Natural Law is a universal set of principles that gives us common sense and good judgement. It is our moral compass – our inner wisdom and instinctive knowledge of what is moral and immoral. Also called the law of cause and effect, Natural Law governs the consequences of our actions. We literally reap what we sow.

A solid understanding of Natural Law combined with critical thinking makes us more aware of how we, collectively, create the reality we are currently experiencing, both for better and for worse. It helps us understand the underlying causes of what is happening in the world today. And it gives us the solutions to how we can all contribute to creating a better world.

Critical thinking and Natural Law helps us trigger positive feedback loops in our lives, thereby increasing our ability to thrive and achieve great results.

Key takeaways

  • A systematic overview of the basic principles of Natural Law.
  • A useful model for critical thinking and knowledge of the most common logical fallacies.
  • A comprehensive framework for solving complex problems and dilemmas with a strong moral/ethical compass.


  • Online sessions via Zoom which makes it possible to join from anywhere in the world.
  • Effective learning through highly interactive and dynamic exercises which also allow participants to share their own experiences and learn from each other.
  • Participants are given practical skills and strategies that they can apply right away in both their professional and private interactions.
  • Easy-to-follow and user-friendly material is distributed after the session.

Who can benefit

2 hours