Claim Your Power

With great power, comes great responsibility!

Claiming your power means connecting with your naturally creative and resourceful self, and being clear about your personal rights and responsibilities. When we step out of victimhood, and stop blaming others or circumstances for whatever is happening in our lives, we unleash the energy we need to get out there, take action, and pursue our true dreams and desires.

In this webinar you will establish the foundation for your self-leadership journey towards the realisation of your full potential and most desired future.

Key takeaways

  • Adopt the mindset of a “conscious creator.”
  • Gain clarity on what to take ownership and responsibility for in your life.
  • Define your most desired future as well as the next steps that will help you move in the right direction.


  • Online sessions via Zoom which makes it possible to join from anywhere in the world.
  • Effective learning through highly interactive and dynamic exercises which also allow participants to share their own experiences and learn from each other.
  • Participants are given practical skills and strategies that they can apply right away in both their professional and private interactions.
  • Easy-to-follow and user-friendly material is distributed after the session.

Who can benefit
Professionals in the corporate world or in career transition, team leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs.

2 hours