Entries by Norun Laahne Thomassen

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Make Sure Your Conversations Pay Off with Value-COIN

You might already be familiar with the COIN acronym, which provides an easy-to-remember, four-step process to plan and structure constructive feedback conversations: CONNECTION  >  OBSERVATION  >  IMPACT  >  NEXT STEPS In the heat of the moment, difficult conversations can easily become confrontational and end up hurting the relationship. COIN is therefore a golden formula if […]

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How to Eliminate Toxic Communication Patterns in Teams

Relationship expert and best-selling author Dr. John Gottman has identified four specific behaviors that often get in the way of communication and strong, collaborative relationships: Blaming, Defensiveness, Contempt and Stonewalling. When used frequently, these toxic communication patterns are so lethal to human relationships that Dr. Gottman calls them “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” In the […]

Make Work (and the World) a Better Place with Coaching

Why is it that the most important life skills are the things we get the least help in learning? Typical life skills that are essential to create fulfilling private and professional lives for ourselves are things like developing emotional and social intelligence; learning effective communication and conflict management skills; identifying our core values and an […]